Decision Point DVD Set
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The mission of Dynamic Catholic in the Decision Point program is to "meet individuals where they are and guide them to where God is calling them to be." Once Catholics have begun their spiritual journey, they will find a wealth of resources to help them nourish and deepen their relationship with God and the Church. However, materials that engage disengaged Catholics are in short supply.
The majority of young Catholics are uninvolved. As a result, the first step is to engage them. No matter how much information you download on someone, they will not absorb it and make it their own until they are engaged. There are numerous program that faithfully present the Church's beliefs. However, this is insufficient. While it is vital to portray the Church's teachings accurately, it is also critical that they be presented in ways that are engaging, accessible, and relevant.
DECISION POINT has been under development for over four years. The truth is that it is significantly different from what we had envisioned in many ways. When we first started, we assumed the entire program would be available online. However, you repeatedly requested hardcopy workbooks, leader manuals, and DVDs, so we made the necessary adjustments. Hundreds of people have contributed to this project, and it has improved as a result.
This is the method we used to create this entertaining and robust worksheet. This isn't your typical book. We hope you can see this with just one glance. We hope Confirmation Candidates treasure and personalize this workbook. As they prepare for their Confirmation day, we've provided lots of space for them to write all over this book and use the journal pages to jot down their personal ideas and experiences. We hope they keep this book long after their Confirmation has passed and that they refer back to it throughout their lives.